Monday, June 24, 2024

Get well

 My brother in law has been going through some terrible health troubles ever since February of this year, just before he went in for yet another surgery I sent this card to him.  I didn't put a sentiment on the front it just already seemed quite busy to me.

  • Hampton Art - SC1029 Fern & Specimen stamps
  • 49 and Market - Pascale's 3x4 Grammar Stamp on striped pattern paper
  • Memory Box - Stitched rectangle layer die
  • Wintertime Crafts - Old Papers (Background) Mini decorative (dots stamp)

Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by today, hope you are able to keep cool for those in the extreme heat areas.



April Williams said...

This is really neat! I love all the papers. I am sorry that your BIL has had so many health problems. I hope he gets better soon.

Chrissy said...

I love the papers Connie, the fauna and layers and numbers, love it all, fabulous card..


Kim said...

Aging is no fun, is it?? I hope your BIL is recovering with each day. Such a fabulous masculine card to cheer his day.

Esther Asbury said...

I LOVE the newsprint background on this lovely card! Everything goes together perfectly!

Donna Phelan said...

Another very cool collage style card! Everything looks fantastic, from that newspapery look background to the little specimen accent. Love that pretty fern too! Sorry to hear about your bil's health issues, sending good vibes!

R's Rue said...

So beautiful.

Birgit said...

This is beautifully done Connie! This collage style doesn't need a sentiment. As you said, it's perfect just the way it is. I hope your brother in law is on the mend soon.

Soma @ said...

Lovely and very thoughtful of you. I am so sorry to hear that he is ill. I wish him good and speedy recovery.


Hena Tayeb said...

Great card the way you layered it.

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

What a lovely card. Prayers to your brother-in-law for healing and comfort. 🙏🏻 Sorry I've been MIA. I was on a big trip to Europe with my family. I missed blogland and happy to be back! :)

Em Louise Fairley said...

Sorry he's going through so much. I'll keep him and your family in my prayers. The card is beautiful xoxo

Leslie Miller said...

It doesn't need a sentiment. It's perfect as is. You're so good at the collage style. I'm sorry about your brother-in-law. I hope this surgery is a good fix and he recovers well.

Debbie said...

it's a wonderful card connie, i like the design. and you're right, it didn't need anything else on the front!! stay cool, i assume you are dealing with this heat!!

Lisa said...

This card is a thoughtful gesture during such a difficult time. The intricate design, featuring beautiful stamps and layered details, creates a meaningful and visually appealing card for your brother-in-law.