Friday, March 15, 2024

Glitter bird

 I came across this card kit that you add glitter to the different areas to make up the bird, can you believe that the picture on the front shows black glitter for this bird but there was none in the kit and I did not own any either, so I went with a bronze color instead so we made up a new bird :)  I was thinking of trying to add some black reinker to some of my white glitter but I don't have a lot of it and didn't want to waste it if it didn't work, I think there is one more bird in the set that needs black glitter so if you have an idea for me I would love it :)

The kit also comes with some card blanks that has adhesive around the edge to add glitter so I used theirs this time. First I stenciled on some clouds and also added a die cut branch for him to sit on.

  • Martha Stewart - Glittered Bird Card kit
  • My Favorite Things - Cloud Stencil
  • Memory Box - Woodland Branch die
  • Hero Arts - It's your day sentiment stamp

We had some crazy storms go through yesterday, we saw on our phone that it showed there was a chance of rain and we had been under a Tornado watch all day with nothing happening, so we decided to chance it and go out for my birthday dinner, the restaurant we were headed to is about 20 minutes or so from our house, well we got about 7 minutes into it and thought wow that sky is getting black, but we kept going, then the wind started kicking up and ahead we could tell it was raining pretty hard so I told my hubby to turn around, as we were turning around we got pelted by hail, not sure what size it was but it was smacking the windshield so hard we thought it was going to break, he drove pretty fast and got us ahead of it enough that we were able to get in the house safely before it hit us here.  There was one confirmed Tornado in another town and some poles and trees that were knocked down in another, but we did ok :)

Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by today,



Chrissy said...

Your bird is absolutely beautiful Connie, love the glitter idea and fancy not having the black in the kit, I have black, if we lived closer I could have tossed it too you over the fence, gorgeous card..and so glad to hear you guys are okay, how frightening, good thinking to turn around..Happy Birthday xox


carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

Well first of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY beautiful Friend! 🌷🌸🎉
Next, how scary about the storm. Yikes!! I'm glad you decided to turn around when you did. 🙏🏻
And finally, I love the bird you made up! I think rather than messing with the glitter you should work with colors you have again. Because I sure love how this turned out. 💕
Blessings on your weekend ahead and may you be showered in abundant blessings for your birthday and this year ahead. xo

Kim said...

Oh my goodness, so glad you were able to turn around and arrive home with no damage, Connie. Sad though, you were not able to celebrate your birthday. A happy, happy birthday to you, lovely lady. As for the bird, it's a beautiful bird from your imagination. Ahh ..glitter... whenever I use glitter it seems to end up everywhere!

Lisa said...

Funny the kit did not have black, but I can say I have actually used copics to color glitter. I applied the glitter to sticker sheets then used my copic or a sharpie to color it. Your bird is wonderful and the change to bronze is perfect.

wannabcre8tive said...

A very cute card. Love the glittered bird. Happy you made it back home and you are safe from the storm. We got the storm, too. Luckily, we didn’t get it too bad. We had hail and just a few branches down.

Birgit said...

Oh my word, I'm so glad you guys made it home safely. Sorry you missed out on a birthday dinner but at least you're safe. Happy birthday! Your glittered bird is beautiful!

Irish Cherokee said...

Love your bird. nice job of subbing the glitter. Amazon has a large selection of black glitter available. The bronze worked really well. The black would not have shown up as well. Love the results.

Hugs and Blessings

Leslie Miller said...

Your glittery bird is gorgeous, Connie, and I totally believe in making up your own colors. It takes the pressure off. I thought about all my blogging friends in that area when watching the news. I'm glad you turned around and reached the safety of your home. As far as I know, all my friends are okay, but I'm sorry for all those who suffered losses.

April said...

This is such a pretty sparkly bird! I love that you used the bronze color instead of the black.

Donna Phelan said...

Oh my, that's a birthday story--glad you got home safely, sorry about dinner! Your bird is so cool and glittery. I love that bronze color, I think it looks better than the black.

JD/ Jill said...

First of all, Happy belated birthday! I can't believe that I missed your birthday again.
(then again there's a lot going on here.. I'm am lucky if I remember my name lately.
Your bird is just beautiful with the colors of glitter that you chose.

Em Louise Fairley said...

Great card, Connie. So glad you're safe. Happy belated birthday! xoxo

Debbie said...

i LOVE card kits and this one is beautiful!! i'll bet if you looked hard enough, you could find a bird that looks just like this one!!

the birthday story is a scary one, i'm so glad you two made it home safely!! one you were safe, i hope you enjoyed the storm. i wondered if the hail left any marks on the car?? the hubs and i went for a bike ride once and got caught in a similar store, it was terrible but we tried to make it fun by singing "if you like pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain". we stopped by a home for a while and when it slowed down a little, we peddled home as fast as we could. we were soaked by the time we got home!

Louca por porcelana said...

Pretty card. I am glad you are ok! Happy Belated Birthday!

Lowcarb team member said...

Belated Happy Birthday Wishes.
Goodness! Your birthday story is scary ... so pleased you are okay.

All the best Jan

PS The card does look nice.