Wednesday, May 15, 2024


 My Iris were blooming at the time I made this card, I had remembered my hubby bought this cardmaking kit for me that has many different flowers in it, my friend I am giving this too, loves flowers so I knew she would like it and she did :)

  • Make Market - Diamond Art kit Flowers
  • Gemini - Sentiment die
  • Spellbinders - Labels Trio die

The base is fabric instead of cardstock, so it is a bit flimsy, I was afraid of glue seeping through so I added scor tape to my card base and then added the topper and it seems to be holding well.

I would like to share my card today with the following challenges:

Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by today, things are still quite busy right now so still behind on blogs.  My brother has just gone into hospice, so I don't know how much I will be able to catch up but I will stop by soon :)



Darlene said...

First of all ... praying for your brother! Hang in there my friend ... trying times ahead!
Your card is absolutely awesome! Greg finds you some pretty cool things to play with. Of course I love the color (purple & iris - both my favorites). I'm sure your friend was over joyed!! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Triple B & Four Seasons challenges! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.

Co-Owner … Can You Handle the Pressure, Double D, Four Seasons, Peace On Earth, Stencil Fun, Simply Clean & Simple, Two Old Bats, Triple B, Word Power

Leslie Miller said...

This is so pretty and interesting, Connie! Thank you for the close up that shows it so well. I thought it was cross stitch at first. Gosh, I'm sorry about your brother. Life brings us some difficult times.

Birgit said...

This is so pretty and such a unique concept using beads on your card to create the flower. I'm so very sorry to hear about your brother. Prayers for peace and comfort to you and your family.

Debbie said...

oooooh connie, i am sending warm thoughts and especially comfort for you and for your brother, it is such a difficult time for everyone!!

the card is gorgeous, i recently posted a picture of an iris, (not mine) and it is this deep purple color!! i need to plant some in my garden!!

Chrissy said...

So beautiful Connie, love the cross stitch and gorgeous flower, I'm waiting on stickers to arrive which are Iris's that is the best I can do, can't sew a stitch.


carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

I love working on little diamond art projects! I did a bunch last year and framed in little frames as gifts. :) This iris is absolutely beautiful!! I wouldn't be surprised if the recipient framed it as a keepsake too. 💜

April said...

This is so pretty! Love it!

Donna Ellis said...

oh my goodness! How precisely placed these "diamonds" are! It's beautiful, Connie. Sending love to you and your family regarding your brother. xx

R's Rue said...

So beautiful. I’m working on a secret project. Would you send me a postcard or small trinket that describes your home state?
Thank you.

Louca por porcelana said...

Beautiful and creative card!

Mariann Jakobsen said...

So pretty! A masterpiece!

Bicho do Mato said...

So adorable!

Darlene said...

Now I know I've already commented on this beauty but don't see it here so will comment again! LOL
This is an amazing project Connie and of course with my favorite color being purple, this beauty really speaks to me!! Greg sure knows how to pick 'em ... well done Greg! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Four Seasons & Triple B Challenges! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back again soon.

Co-Owner … Can You Handle the Pressure, Double D, Four Seasons, Peace On Earth, Stencil Fun, Simply Clean & Simple, Two Old Bats, Triple B, Word Power

Soma @ said...

I love iris. Your card is gorgeous, Connie! Your friend will love it. Have a wonderful weekend!


Kim said...

Such a clever and beautiful card! I love all those little 'beads' which make for a gorgeous Iris! So striking and such fun!

Esther Asbury said...

Oh how gorgeous! My mother-in-law does diamond art, but I didn't realize they had card kits! Love the beautiful way this turned out.
So sorry to hear about your brother -- hugs!

Lisa said...

I have seen some diamond dots and just love them. This flower is fantastic. I had no idea it was done on fabric. I really want to try doing one.

JD/ Jill said...

Sending prayers and warm thoughts Your way.

Great job with this card.
I did ONE of these and I still have a bunch of beads left over...
You may have inspired me to get out my diamond dots again.

Lowcarb team member said...

A nice looking card.

So sorry to read about your brother, my thoughts are with you at this time.

All the best Jan

Vickie Y said...

Beautiful! Thank you for sharing with us at Four Seasons Challenge.